vouchersclub.co.uk terms and conditions
These terms and conditions govern your use of the vouchersclub.co.uk website and your obligations as a user. You will not use this website for anything illegal or prohibited by these terms and conditions. By using vouchersclub.co.uk, you are bound by these terms and conditions.

  1. Validity of coupons, vouchers, discount codes and other discounts
    Our goal is to do our best to ensure that all codes and offers listed on vouchersclub.co.uk are up-to-date and valid, but we cannot check each one, so you are responsible for checking whether the expected discount has been applied when entering the code. During the checkout process on the merchant website.
  2. Suggestions
    The information and content on vouchersclub.co.uk are for reference only. It is not provided as a recommendation, and we should not be relied on to make or avoid any purchasing decisions.
  3. Site changes
    vouchersclub.co.uk reserves the right to make any temporary or permanent changes or amendments to vouchersclub.co.uk as needed, and we shall decide on our own and issue warnings or notices. We are not responsible for any changes that may occur to you.
  4. Changes to terms and conditions
    We may revise these terms and conditions from time to time and will post the revised version on vouchersclub.co.uk
  5. Links to third-party websites
    vouchersclub.co.uk links to third-party websites managed and controlled by others, and we are not responsible for the content or accessibility of these third-party websites.
  6. Privacy policy and GDPR regulations.
    We only request limited personal information that is kept only for the intended purpose. Your email address will not be passed on or sold to any third party. You can check our privacy policy for more details.
  7. Copyright
    The vouchersclub.co.uk website design, text, graphics, and all software and source code related to this website are owned or licensed by vouchersclub.co.uk, or used in other ways as permitted by law, but not limited to this. You
    When visiting vouchersclub.co.uk, in accordance with these terms, you agree that the content you visit is for personal, non-commercial use only. Without prior written consent, you may not download, copy, copy, transmit, store, sell or distribute any content you find.
  8. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
    This website is provided “as is” and “available”, and does not make any statement or endorsement within the scope permitted by law, nor does it make any form of guarantee.
  9. Compensation
    You agree to indemnify and protect vouchersclub.co.uk from any claims or litigation related to all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses brought against vouchersclub.co.uk due to any breach of your contract. These terms and conditions may be due to your use Other responsibilities arising from this website.
  10. Applicable Law
    These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law, and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.