Aliexpress is a website filled with different products, as well as the latest transactions on everything, from fashion, electronic fishing – you call it! You can choose from a large number of items to buy anything you like, and even save money when you do. It is easy to save funds while spending in AliexPress, because they offer coupons for their users!
What is a AliexPress coupon?

Aliexpress coupons are technically voucher or code, buy buyers discounts on the website. The values of these coupons are different and they are limited. Here are the conditions you need to meet your successful use:
Coupons you want to use apply to the store you choose to choose an order.
Coupons are active and have not expired.
Coupons need you need to meet an orderly amount.
Value duration of coupons
Coupons are only useful and beneficial when it is still valid. Some coupons are only available in memory activities you received, for example, coupons you have received during sales are only in active during sales. The duration of coupons cannot be expanded, and its value cannot be refunded.
Aliexpress has different coupons
There are three coupons available, choose and use in AliexPress:
Shop coupon
Select coupons
Aliexpress coupon
Although these coupons are different from each other, they can be obtained in a similar manner. Here are some ways you get these coupons and where you can use them:
Store сoupons.
Store coupons are coupons that can only be used for a store. These coupons are provided by the seller to encourage buyers to buy from the store. In each order, you can only use a coupon.
These coupons are free and can be retrieved in AliexPress Promotional Storage, in the store page or product details page. You can also get the store coupon by replacing the coins of your coupon.
Select сoupons.
Choosing a coupon is a coupon you can use in the store selected in AliexPress. You can use the SELECT coupon when you order a variety of projects from different stores. To get a coupon, check the sales page, play the game, or exchange your coins for coupons. Unlike the store coupon, you can use one or more options in each order, depending on the rules of the store implementation.
Aliexpress сoupons.
These coupons can be used in any of AliexPress. These coupons can also be used to order products from different stores, but only one AliexPress coupon can be used for each checkout. Aliexpress coupons are limited and can be found on the sales page, or can be obtained by the coins of the voucher.
If you don’t use them to get benefits, manage these coupons will be waste. Take advantage of your coupons and use them when you shop online!
Use coupons in Aliexpress
The first thing you need to use coupons is to check all available coupons so that you know what discounts you can get or free. To do this, go to the coupon center or “my coupon” option. The coupon list will be displayed in this section and all of them.
When you purchase something, you can apply these coupons. Add your desired product to the shopping cart and continue to the payment page. Glo n’t the total amount of your order, you can find a list of all coupons you can apply to your order. Select the credential you want to use and look at how much in your total order!
When using AlieExpress’s mobile app, the same process applies. Then order the order and select your preferred payment method. Like the website, the list of coupons and coupons you can enter promotional code is on the order summary.
Aliexpress Assistant
If you want to easily be easier when you purchase a product in AliexPress, try the AliexPress assistant, such as Alitools. Alitools is a shopping assistant created for you, and in AliexPress shopping, you list the daily prices of the product you choose, track changes in it, so that you can know which offer is best. Shops, ordering, coupons and discounts, and use this AliexPress Assistant to complete your purchase.
Shopping with aliexpress!
Everything is in this one-stop online platform. Let everything you need, and provide a pressureless shopping experience with Aliexpress, and save money during doing this!